We’re the launch pad to help you take action ✊🏽

At Next Up, we envision a future where youth like you boldly lead forward. It’s a place where our democracy is inclusive and accessible, and our communities are strong and resilient.

abstract black zigzag pattern on green and orange gradient background
Woman with megaphone pointing, surrounded by doodles of speech bubble, crown, and heart.

How we are formed

Logo of Next Up Action Fund in bold black text on a transparent background.

Next Up Action Fund is a 501(c)4 nonprofit engaging the next generation of young leaders to build political power to fight for a more just and equitable Oregon.

Group of diverse young people holding "Register to Vote Now" signs, smiling and raising their fists with a large check mark and smiley face above them.
NEXT UP text logo with an upward arrow integrated into the U.

Next Up is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan nonprofit that amplifies the voices and leadership of diverse young people to achieve a more just and equitable Oregon.

Our Values

  • As youth, you have the right to participate in decision-making about the world we live in and the future you’ll inherit. We’re dedicated to centering and uplifting your voices and creating supportive spaces to advocate for ourselves, your generation, and the next generations.

  • A vibrant society depends on active participation and representation. We believe that the more people are engaged in our political system and excited about making change, the more our state will thrive.

  • New solutions are needed to solve historic, persistent problems. And your fresh eyes and minds are going to push us forward. We aim to stretch the boundaries of what is plausible or acceptable when we work together. By being responsive, flexible, and committed to building long-lasting relationships, we strengthen the fabric of our communities and continue moving Oregon forward.

  • We commit to the ongoing work it takes to be an anti-racist organization and to fight for racial, gender, economic, climate, disability, LGBTQ+, along with other forms of social justice. To fight with integrity requires that we be accountable to the communities facing oppression.

  • We’re aiming to transform our systems so that they reflect our communities, ensure dignity, and allow us all to be our true, authentic selves. When we can bring joy to political and community engagement, there is more opportunity to bring youth like you into the process.

Three people smiling and holding "Next Up" signs with a stylized arrow design.


If we amplify young voices toward collective action, shift power, broaden the leadership pipeline, and address the structural barriers that our generations are navigating, we’ll build a more inclusive movement for a just democracy. By enabling and revealing the power in the voices of marginalized communities, we begin to undo historical and current systems of oppression in behaviors, policies, and systems to create a thriving future.

  • We know that Black, Indigenous, people of color, people living with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, and other underserved groups disproportionately lack resources and opportunities due to institutions and systems of oppression. We understand equity as a state in which we recognize these disparities and address them by centering the needs, strengths, and perspectives of those that have been historically marginalized.

    Incorporating a strong intersectional approach in our activism means highlighting race, age, ability, gender, class, sexuality, and other markers of privilege when engaging youth in politics and the issues that affect us so we can begin to dismantle existing power structures.

    Next Up intends to live out our mission, vision, and values as accomplices instead of allies. While allies are important in the fight of dismantling white supremacy, an ally will only pursue activism by merely standing with marginalized individuals. As accomplices, we will focus on dismantling oppressive structures by actively working with marginalized individuals and/or groups.

    We acknowledge that Next Up, formerly known as the Bus Project, has been complicit in upholding systemic racism and other forms of oppression. Our organization has primarily benefited white voters, emerging political leaders who are white, and public policies supported by white people, which has harmed communities of color. Additionally, our internal culture has been characterized by many patterns of white supremacy culture.

    Moving forward, Next Up is working diligently to advance equity in and through our organization. Our efforts include, but are not limited to:

    Educating ourselves and changing policies to dismantle white supremacist culture within our organization, thus becoming more inclusive and representative of our community.

    Incorporating an equity analysis into the foundational elements of our organization, such as our mission, vision, and values; our strategic plan; our policies; and our by-laws.

    Aligning the design of our programs with our anti-racist approach.

    We are committed to the challenging and imperfect process of continuous learning (and unlearning) that will be necessary to realize our vision of a more equitable Oregon.

black square with no visible content


Person writing in a notebook, wearing a jacket and earbuds, with doodles of a rainbow and diamond on a green background.

Previously known as The Bus Project, we got started in 2002 by a bunch of young leaders in a bar. They didn’t like the way politics were going and decided to turn things around. So they bought a bus and started gathering volunteers to make real political change and empower a whole new generation in democracy. They took the bus around the state, helped some great people win elections, got thousands of regular people involved, and just kept going.

But as generations changed, so did The Bus Project. Our history has taught us that young people can be trusted with power – not as “future leaders,” but as leaders today.

Since 2002, we have worked to bolster opportunities for youth political pathways and involvement. We want to continue to support the next generation of Oregon’s leaders to build political power and fight for a more just and equitable state but we are no longer centered around the bus, which means a name change. We rebranded in 2019 to Next Up to reflect these organizational changes.

black and green squiggly abstract border
Person smiling holding a ballot return envelope with circular arrows at the bottom.

our work

Make a one-time or monthly donation to invest in our youth and their work.